Bicentennial Banners


U.S.A. Mix

The inset rectangles of Anuszkiewicz’s banner reflect the structure of the artist’s paintings, which hang in major collections throughout the United States. Since 1961, when the Museum of Modern Art in New York acquired its first painting by Anuszkiewicsz, he has exhibited at most of the major museums across the country, from the San Francisco Museum of Art to the Art Institute of Chicago, the Carnegie institute in Pittsburgh, and the Modern and Whitney museums in New York. Recent major exhibitions in which his work was included were the Opening Exhibition of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and the 43rd Biennal of Contemporary American Painting at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

Born in 1930 in Erie, Pennsylvania, Anuszkiewic attended the Cleveland Institute of Art and the Yale University School of Art and Architecture.

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